Saturday, March 10, 2012

Blogger's Block

Blogger's Block - What does one say at the start of a new venture?
Romance writing was not my first choice. I fell into the genre this year.
Writing is my passion. I have been a citizen journalist, a thriller/suspense
novelist and a historic writer. Romance is new on the written page, but not
in my heart.

Excuse the dust, I'm breaking new ground. Join me and we'll build a monument!

Check out for my latest books.

Email me with ideas,
Visit often.
Write on!


  1. Hi Camile, congratulations on the release of Midnight's Last Light & your forthcoming book Lovers & Saints. I also fell into romance almost by accident, and like you I'm having a lot of fun with it! I look forward to following your blog.

  2. So pleased you found me Francene. I'll be looking for your writings and your blogs.
